Day 1 - Four Square Challenges |
Run A Square: Around The World Four Square - Players play the serve out. After the rally, players touch the front corner with foot then proceed to touch all other corners of their own square. Last one to touch the center loses the point.
Run There and Back: Dot to Dot Four Square - Players play the serve out. After the rally, players touch the center corner of their own square, then the back corner, and then the center corner again. Last one to touch center loses the point.
One-handed Catch: Catching Four Square (one handed only) - Players catches the ball single-handed after it bounces in their square, then proceed to send it to bounce within another opponents square. Players play out the rally.
Drop to the Ground: "Hit the Deck" Four Square - Players start standing at far corners of their square. Server places the ball in the middle of the court and calls "Hit the Deck". All players immediately drop to the ground on the spot, quickly get back up and touch the ball. Last player to touch the ball loses.
Run There and Back: Dot to Dot Four Square - Players play the serve out. After the rally, players touch the center corner of their own square, then the back corner, and then the center corner again. Last one to touch center loses the point.
One-handed Catch: Catching Four Square (one handed only) - Players catches the ball single-handed after it bounces in their square, then proceed to send it to bounce within another opponents square. Players play out the rally.
Drop to the Ground: "Hit the Deck" Four Square - Players start standing at far corners of their square. Server places the ball in the middle of the court and calls "Hit the Deck". All players immediately drop to the ground on the spot, quickly get back up and touch the ball. Last player to touch the ball loses.
Run, Jump, then Land Two Feet (onto mat)
Five Russian Twists on the mat Hop through agility ladder on the floor Dribble basketball 5 times in hula hoop Dribble through pylons, take a shot and dribble back to hoop Gallop to soccer balls in center circle Dribble soccer ball 5 times between feet on the spot Dribble soccer ball through pylons and take shot on net Pass soccer ball back to next person in line waiting center circle Balance walk along the line Pick up ball and throw at the wall 10 times, catch and put down Balance walk backwards along the line Day 3 - Circuit DayStations have a star layout. Students return to the center of the gym between each station to do 15 sec plank of choice before transitioning to next station using designated locomotion. Students transition between stations using designated skipping, crossovers, and/or galloping locomotion.
Stations: Lift & Lower - lift a basketball from the ground to over head before placing it back on the ground. Repeat x 10. Strike with Stick - Using a stick/bat, strike the ball off the tee. Repeat x 10 Overhand throw - Throw the ball against the wall so that it bounces over top of your head. Repeat x 10. |