RCS = Regina Catholic School Division
GYM = Growing Young Movers
SEC = Southeast Cornerstone School Division
CTT = Christ the Teacher School Division
NESD = Northeast School Division
Physical Literacy Assessment Tool for Youth (Canadian Sport for Life) Contributor: Dr. Dean Kreillaars
The Physical Literacy Assessment for Youth (PLAY) Tools are meant to improve our population’s level of physical literacy. Directed at individuals aged 7 and up, the PLAY Tools determine gaps in physical literacy development, and provide calls-to-action to help improve these areas. Great tools for self, parents, fun & coaches! |
Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy (CAPL)
CAPL is the first comprehensive protocol that can accurately and reliably assess a broad spectrum of skills and abilities that contribute to and characterize the physical literacy level of a participating child (Longmuir, 2013). Physical literacy moves beyond just fitness, motor skill or motivation in isolation. The CAPL is unique in that it can assess the multiple aspects of physical literacy: daily behaviour, motivation & confidence, knowledge & understanding, and physical competence. |
Passport for Life (PHE Canada)
Passport for Life is a program that supports the assessment, development and advancement of physical literacy among students and teachers Gr.3-9. The assessment tools encompass four general components of physical literacy: Active Participation, Living Skills, Fitness Skills and Movement Skills. Students will be assessed according to the four components of physical literacy by completing online questionnaires and participating in fitness skills and movement skills that the teacher will assess.
Teaching Personal & Social Responsibility Assessment Tools
PLAY IS THE WAY® is a practical methodology for teaching social and emotional learning using guided play, classroom activities and an empowering language - behavior education using wisdom, not force to youth ages 4-14 years old.
The 60 Minute Kids' Club is a fun and engaging program designed to get children from Grades K-6 excited about making the right healthy choices. It is a tracking & reporting tool that uses unique engagement strategies to report on physical activity, hydration, sleep, nutrition and screen time. There are opportunities to sign up for 1 to 3 challenges per year. Currently working with inmotion to be rolled out in Sask January of 2014 - however you can sign up anytime!
ABC Fit Contributor: Glenn Young
The foundation for fitness testing should be the promotion of enjoyable and regular physical activity participation leading toward the eventual development of life-long physical activity behaviors. The ABC Fit marks a distinct paradigm shift from traditional fitness testing to promoting physical activity, learning and positive attitudes, functional fitness (used daily), and testing efficiency. The ABC Fit is comprised of the following components: • Aerobic/Cardiovascular Endurance (4 station circuit), one of the best indicators of overall health • Balance/Stability (Lateral Bound), used on a daily basis and the foundation for all movement • Core Strength (Plank), engine of the body that bridges lower body to upper body |
Created by Regina Catholic Schools in co-operation with in motion and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. The videos are part of the Moving Ahead with Fitness in Phys, Ed. resource binder. The binder includes a written resource, laminated circuit training wall posters, an audio CD, and an instructional DVD featuring the videos provided below. The resource binder is available from the Saskatchewan Physical Education Association. These videos align specifically with the following outcomes:
Grade 6.1 Cardiovascular Fitness and 6.4 Skill-related Fitness Grade 7.1 Health-related Fitness and 7.4 Cross-training Grade 8.1 Health-related Fitness and 8.3 Skill-related Fitness Grade 9.1 Health-related Fitness and 9.4 Skill-related Fitness |
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